Mental Wellbeing

Just as we have SafetyFirst as an initiative dedicated to safeguarding the physical health of our employees, we also have a dedicated initiative for mental wellbeing: Reach Out

Reach Out represents a network of individuals, resources and infrastructure that combines to raise awareness and provide support to Gratte Brothers employees. Most crucially, Reach Out is a phone number which connects callers to help. This help comes in the form of our most experienced Mental Health First Aiders, the Employee Assistance Programme (of which we are members), or Samaritans. The choice of which support to be connected to lies with the caller. The phone number is advertised on the Intranet, and on posters around our offices and site offices.

We have a team of over 20 trained Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) across the Group. These are all volunteers who undertook training alongside their day jobs to be that port of call for anyone in need of help. We have a Mental Health Steering Committee who act as a bridge between the MHFA team and the Group Directors. This committee raise solutions to improve our offering, monitor the mental health of our own MHFAs, and oversee the further development of the initiative.

Another pillar of our internal wellbeing culture is our Mental Wellbeing policy. In line with our core values, we are committed to continual improvement. So, we look forward to continuing to improve upon our Mental Health infrastructure throughout the months and years to come.

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