In view of the current situation with COVID 19, we have activated our Business Continuity plan to ensure continuity of service to all our clients and the safety of all our Stakeholders. Elements of this include remote working, the implementation of individual site plans and the rotation of work teams to reduce the risk of infection.
We have introduced a number of travel and health practices to address the health risks posed by COVID 19.
Vulnerable staff members have been transferred to safer work locations, government guidelines are being implemented where self-isolation is required and social contact is being kept to a minimum by using technology for meetings and communications.
We are facing an unprecedented challenge, but our staff are going to extraordinary lengths to minimise disruption to clients.
It is our intention to maintain a ‘business as normal’ service to our clients, in so far as is possible, while ensuring the safety of all personnel, staff, clients and Supply Chain alike.
If you have any specific concerns please call 020 7837 6433 or email
Meanwhile thank you for your understanding and support and we wish you all well during these uncertain times.