After weeks of planning we are pleased to announce that all of our offices have opened as ‘Working Hubs’. This allows those members of staff, whose tasks require them to be located in an office for short periods of time, access to our office facilities while ensuring their safety. Risk Assessments are in place for all our locations and COVID 19 Secure protocols have been developed, in line with government requirements. The majority of our staff will continue to work from home, to relieve pressure on the transport systems and limit the spread of the virus.
It will be some time before we are safely able to welcome you back to our offices for meetings but while it may not be business as usual we believe we are still providing service to our normal high standards.
All of our M&E sites and prefabrication facilities are operating under COVID 19 requirements. Our M&E Maintenance Engineers are providing a full service to all of our contract clients. Our Commercial Catering Equipment Team continues to service critical sectors and assist in the reopening requirements of the hospitality industry. Our Security Systems team is handling additional work, installing specialist temperature cameras to allow clients to open and operate their premises safely.
The switchboard 020 7837 6433 is operating from 8.00am – 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and 8.00am – 4.00pm Friday. Our receptionist is able to transfer calls to all staff working from home, so please use this number or normal help desk numbers for out-of-hours as necessary.
We are grateful to all of our staff and suppliers who have worked tirelessly over the last few months to provide an effective service to our clients and we are grateful to you, our clients, for your continued support of our business during this pandemic.
If you have any specific concerns please call 020 7837 6433 or email