Health and Safety Policy Statement

The scope of this policy extends to all Group activities. It covers all Group sites and offices, as well as all its subsidiaries which include Gratte Brothers Limited, Gratte Brothers Building Services Maintenance Limited, Gratte Brothers Security Management Limited, Gratte Brothers Catering Equipment Limited and Gratte Brothers Technical Services Limited.

The Group is committed to provide systems of work that are safe, healthy and give high regard to workplace welfare. The company commits, so far as is reasonably practicable, to prevent injuries and ill-health caused by the work by eliminating hazards, reducing risk and continually improving the health and safety management and performance.

The health and safety of the employees and all those likely to be affected by the operations is the responsibility of the management. Adequate resources and formal documentation will be produced and made available to ensure the success of this policy/statement.

The Group is committed to the consultation and participation of its workers and worker representatives. It is the duty of each employee to exercise personal responsibility for their own health and safety and that of others. All employees are reminded that, in the event of any conflict between the demands of production and safety, they will receive management support if it is necessary to choose the safety of employees or third parties as the priority. The company does not expect any persons working on its behalf to expose themselves or others to unacceptable risks, therefore they have the right to refuse to carry out work which they believe puts themselves or others who may be affected by their actions at risk of harm or injury.

The company will adhere to the requirements of all UK and other relevant local health and safety laws, and other applicable requirements as identified from time-to-time. It is the company’s aim to continually improve its health and safety management system’s performance by use of planning, inspections, tool box talks and other site activities. Performance will be evaluated throughout the project and in post reviews or Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS).

All employees and others working under the control of the Group will be made aware of this document and where it can be found on the company’s intranet system. It is available to other interested parties upon request.

Gratte Brothers’ Directors and Management are committed to complying with this policy and to ensuring compliance by others. Strategies and objectives will be determined through the company’s Health and Safety Coordinating Group Meetings and annual Strategic Management Review Meetings.

This policy/statement shall be reviewed at least annually and has the full backing and authority of the Directors.

This policy has my full backing and I will fully
support staff in its implementation.

D Gratte
Group Managing Director
12 January 2024

You can alternatively download a copy of our Health and Safety Policy Statement.

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